Draconic Manifestation

You've unlocked more than just the ability to emulate the claws of your draconic forebear. You now invoke other traits of your bloodline.


Access to natural claw attacks, Bloodrager or Sorcerer with the draconic bloodline.


As a Free Action when manifesting claws (as per the Sorcerer bloodline ability), you infuse yourself with other dormant powers of your draconic bloodline. If you're a Bloodrager, you gain the benefits of this feat as a Free Action, but only while bloodraging; the ability lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. These rounds need not be used consecutively. Depending on the specific draconic bloodline you have, you gain one of the following abilities. Chromatic: You become immune to Paralysis and sleep effects. Esoteric: You become partially Incorporeal, gaining concealment (20%) against all incoming attacks. Imperial: You gain a +1 Circumstance Bonus on Intimidate checks for every 4 levels you have in a class that grants you a draconic bloodline. You also become immune to Fear effects. Metallic: You radiate a 10-foot aura of courage, inspiring those around you with your intensity. Allies within the aura gain a +2 Morale Bonus on saves against Fear effects and spells with the evil descriptor. Allies already affected by a Fear effect when they first enter the aura can attempt a new saving throw at the same DC as the original effect. On a successful save, the Fear effect ends. A creature can benefit from this reroll only once per day. Outer: You don't need to breathe and gain immunity to any gas-based or smell effects. Primal: You radiate a 5-foot aura of elemental damage. Creatures within the aura take 1 point of damage for every 4 levels you have in a class that grants you a draconic bloodline. This damage is energy damage based on your chosen dragon type.

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