Dust Knuckles

Alchemical Weapon
Price: 25 gp
Weight: 2 lbs.
Construction: Craft (alchemy) DC 20


This fingerless leather glove includes four small pouches along the knuckle line into which you can insert tiny glass vials. You can fill the vials with poison or ground minerals. When you punch someone in the face, the vials shatter, releasing their contents into the target’s face and eyes. Together, the four vials hold 1 dose of poison or ground minerals; there is no effect unless all four are full.
  Dust Knuckle Vials (5 gp): This set of vials is empty, and can be filled with a single dose of poison or another alchemical concoction. Crafting a set of these vials requires a DC 15 Craft (alchemy) check.
  Diamond Dust Vials (25 gp): This set of vials is filled with finely ground mineral crystals. When you shatter a vial with your punch, the target you hit must succeed at a DC 20 Reflex Save to shield its eyes or be temporarily Blinded for 1 round. Crafting a set of Diamond Dust Vials requires a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.

Weapon Properties

Type: melee
Damage: see text
Range: melee
Special: see text


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