Eldritch Aid

You have been trained to expend your own spell energy to boost the effects of an ally's spell.


Caster level 1st.


As a Standard Action, you can expend a 1st-level or higher prepared spell or spell slot to grant additional magic energy to an Allied Spellcaster within close range (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels). If that ally casts an instantaneous spell of an equal or lower level before the beginning of your next turn, all level-dependent calculations and caster level checks the spell requires are made as if the ally's caster level were 2 higher. If the prepared spell or spell slot you expended is at least twice the level of the spell your ally casts, your ally's caster level is treated as 4 higher instead. If your ally is able to cast more than one spell before the beginning of your next turn, only the first spell cast gains this bonus.


An arcanist can select this feat as an exploit. A Wizard can select this feat as a bonus feat.

Required For