
You to excel in a particular area thanks to your noble family's field of expertise.


Charisma 13, Noble Scion, Knowledge (nobility) 1 rank.


You gain an additional benefit based on the flavor of your noble family chosen with the Noble Scion feat. Scion of the Arts: A number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier, you can roll 2d20 for a perform check and take the better result. Scion of Lore: You can attempt Knowledge skill checks untrained. If you have 10 or more ranks in a Knowledge skill, the bonus from Scion of Lore increases to +2 for that skill. Scion of Magic: Once per day, you can gain a +2 bonus to caster level on a concentration check, a Use Magic Device check, or a check to overcome spell resistance. Scion of Peace: Choose one Wisdom-based skill. Once per day when you take 10 on this skill, you treat the result as if you had rolled an 18 instead of a 10. Scion of War: After rolling initiative, you can attempt a Bluff check as an Immediate Action to Feint against a creature or an Intimidate check to demoralize a creature. This can only affect creatures that act after you in the initiative count.

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