Fear The Sun

Level: Antipaladin* 1, Artificer * 2, Bloodrager * 1, Cleric */Oracle * 2, Druid * 2, Hunter * 2, Inquisitor * 2, Shaman * 2, Sorcerer */Wizard * 2, Warlock * 2
Components: V, S, M (a drow eyelash)
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: up to one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: yes
  Each target that fails its saving throw gains light blindness, as per the universal monster rule. When exposed to bright light, affected targets are Blinded for 1 full round and are Dazzled in successive rounds. If you cast this spell in the presence of bright light, any target that fails its save is Blinded immediately, and Dazzled starting at the beginning of its first turn.