Fey Prankster (Rogue)

Fey pranksters specialize in tricking others to teach a lesson or for their own entertainment.

Treacherous Plants ()

The fey prankster can cause plants to distract nearby creatures. To use this ability, the fey prankster attempts a Bluff check to create a distraction to hide as a Swift Action or to Feint against an adjacent opponent as a Move Action, so long as the target is adjacent to plants. They gain a bonus on this check equal to half their rogue level (minimum +1).
  This replaces trapfinding.

Improved Dirty Trick

At 2nd level, the fey prankster gains Improved Dirty Trick as a bonus feat. They need not meet the prerequisites.
  This replaces the rogue talent gained at 2nd level.

Steal Appearance ()

At 4th level, the fey prankster can exchange the appearance of two adjacent items of the same size. They can also exchange the appearance of two creatures if at least one is willing and both are adjacent. Affecting an unwilling creature or an item it wears or carries requires a successful Dirty Trick combat maneuver against that creature. If they succeed, the objects or creatures are each disguised as the other as if with veil cast at their rogue level. The Will Save DC to resist or disbelieve the illusion is equal to 10 + half the rogue’s level + their Intelligence modifier.
  At 8th level, the fey prankster can also exchange the locations of the two targets by succeeding at a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check. If they succeed, observers can’t tell which is the original based on movement without succeeding at a Perception check against their Sleight of Hand result.
  This replaces uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge.

Greater Dirty Trick

At 6th level, the fey prankster gains Greater Dirty Trick as a bonus feat. They do not need to meet the prerequisites.
  This replaces the rogue talent gained at 6th level.

Plant Traps (Su)

At 8th level, the fey trickster can modify a plant (but not plant creatures) into a trap as a Full-Round Action up to three times per day. The Perception and Disable Device DCs for the trap are each equal to 15 + their rogue level. A Tiny or larger plant can be used to perform a Trip or Dirty Trick combat maneuver using the fey trickster’s CMB and the plant’s size. A Large or larger plant can be used to create a snare as per the spell. The save DC is equal to 12 + the rogue’s Intelligence modifier. The fey trickster can trigger any plant trap they created as a Standard Action as long as they are within 60 feet of it.
  This replaces the rogue talent gained at 8th level.

Unseen Trickster

At 12th level, the fey trickster can attempt Stealth checks in areas with plants even if they do not have cover or concealment.
  This replaces the rogue talent gained at 12th level.

Parent Class



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