Firework (Coughing Dragon)

Alchemical Weapon
Price: 40 gp
Weight: 1/2 lb.
Construction: Craft (alchemy) DC 25


When lit, this foot-long wooden tube begins to hiss and emit puffs of smoke. One round later it takes Flight, moving in a straight line at a speed of 90 feet for 1d6 rounds before exploding in a burst of thick, colorful smoke. Each square the firework passes through during its Flight fills with smoke (treat the effect as a Fog Cloud spell, except a moderate or stronger wind dissipates the smoke in 1 round), as does an area in a 15- foot radius surrounding the point at which the rocket exploded. This smoke stings the eyes and inflames the lungs, and a creature that begins its turn in a square filled with smoke must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw or be Sickened for 1d4 rounds.

Weapon Properties

Type: ranged
Damage: special
Range: 90-540 ft. (see text)
Type: smoke
Special: see text


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