Firework (Star Candle)

Alchemical Weapon
Price: 5 gp
Weight: 100 lbs.
Construction: Craft (alchemy) DC 20


When lit, this footlong wooden tube launches a flaming pyrotechnic “candle” every round for 4 rounds. The projectiles deal 1 point of nonlethal damage and 1 point of fire damage if they hit; on a critical hit, the target is also Blinded for 1 round. The projectiles shed light as candles for 1 round and have a range increment of 5 feet. Attacking with a star candle is a ranged Touch Attack and always has a –4 nonproficiency penalty.

Weapon Properties

Type: ranged
Damage: 45292
Critical: blindness
Range: 5 ft.
Type: fire/nonlethal
Special: see text


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