Firework (Starfountain)

Alchemical Weapon
Price: 500 gp
Construction: Craft (alchemy) DC 25


This tree stump-sized bundle of tubes immediately begins to emit arcs of multi-colored sparks when lit. Starting 1d6 rounds after lighting, it loudly releases brightly colored streaks of tiny flaming particles for 4 rounds. Outdoors, these particles soar far up into the sky before dispersing. Indoors or in a closed area, the ricocheting fireworks deal 1d6 points of fire damage each round in a 20-foot-radius spread (Reflex DC 15 halves). Creatures who fail their save are Blinded for 1d4 rounds and Deafened for 1 hour.

Weapon Properties

Type: ranged
Damage: 1d6
Range: 10 ft.
Type: fire
Special: area


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