Free-Style Fighter

Free-style fighters blend many fighting styles into a greater whole.

Class Skills

A free-style fighter receives Escape Artist and Knowledge (local) as class skills, but does not receive Knowledge (dungeoneering) or Ride as class skills.
  This alters the fighter’s class skills.

Martial Flexibility (Ex)

A free-style fighter gains martial flexibility as per the brawler class feature, treating their fighter level as their brawler level for the purposes of this ability.
  This ability replaces the bonus feats gained at 1st level, 6th level, 10th level, and 12th level, as well as weapon training and weapon mastery.

Free Fighting Style (Ex)

At 3rd level, a freestyle fighter can freely mix two of the styles they know into a more flexible style. A free-style fighter can have an additional style feat stance active simultaneously with their first style feat stance. They can enter all of their allowed stances as a Move Action or one stance as a Swift Action. At 11th level, a free-style fighter can have the stances of up to two additional style feats active at the same time.
  At 15th level, a free-style fighter can have the stances of up to three additional style feats active at the same time.
  This ability replaces armor training.

Parent Class



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