
This undead creature's flesh is burned and charred and hangs loosely about its form. The stench of burnt flesh permeates the air as it draws closer.

Ghirru (CR 9)

Large Undead (Extraplanar, Fire)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Initiative: +3
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet; Perception +19
  Speed: 30 feet
Space: 10 feet


Armor Class: 23, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +10 natural, -1 size)
Hit Points: 95 (10d8+50)
Saving Throws: Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +9
Damage Reduction: 5/good
Immunity: fire, undead traits
Weaknesses: vulnerability to cold


Melee: 2 claws +15 (1d8+8 plus burn and Grab), bite +14 (2d6+8 plus burn)
Reach: 10 feet
  Special Attacks: Burn (1d8, DC 20)


27 (+8) 17 (+3) - 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 20 (+5)
Base Attack Bonus: +7
CMB +16 (+20 Grapple)
CMD 30
  Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus (claws)
  Skills: Bluff +15, Intimidate +18, Perception +19, Sense Motive +15, Stealth +12 Languages: Aquan, Auran, Common, Ignan, Terran
  Special Qualities: Change Shape (flame-spawned dire wolf; does not detect as undead in this form; beast shape II), genie-kin


Special Abilities

Burn (Ex)

A ghirru deals burn damage each round it grapples. A creature that catches on fire cannot extinguish the flames until it first escapes the grapple.

Change Shape (Su)

A ghirru can assume the shape of a Large flame-spawned dire wolf. A flame-spawned dire wolf is an 8 HD dire wolf with the following abilities: immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold, deals 1d6 points of fire damage with its bite attack.

Genie-kin (Ex)

For all race-related effects (such as a ranger's favored enemy), a ghirru is considered a genie even though its type is undead.


Environment: Any
Organization: solitary or pack (2-6)
Treasure: standard

  Ghirru are undead efreet, returned to the land of the living by efreeti necromancers through foul and dark magic. A ghirru closely resembles its original efreeti form, save its flesh is charred and hangs loosely about it, sometimes falling off in pieces as the creature moves. Ghirru haunt cemeteries, ruins, ancient temples to the efreet gods, and other such places. Legend speaks of a large lair of these creatures led by a sorcerer of vast power hidden somewhere beneath the fabled City of Brass. None have found this secret lair thus far. And few go looking for it.
  Ghirru have a taste for genie flesh, particularly djinn and marid, though the latter is often hard to come by on the Plane of Fire. When hunting on the Material Plane, ghirru are found in warmer lands, often near extinct volcanoes and other such warm places.
  A ghirru stands 12 feet tall and weighs around 1,500 pounds. Its skin is charred and burned, though in a few places the original crimson color shines through. Its body constantly emanates small wisps of smoke, and the smell of burnt flesh lingers in the air around the creature.
  A ghirru attacks with its claws and bite, attempting to grab its prey and set it on fire. A grappled creature is held and incinerated, then promptly devoured by the ghirru.


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