Giant, Taiga

This muscular giant has dark gray skin and fiery red hair. Its lower jaw bears sharp fangs, and it wields a huge, primitive spear.

Giant, Taiga (CR 12)

Huge Humanoid (Giant)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Initiative: +2
Senses: Low-Light Vision; Perception +13
  Speed: 30 feet (40 feet without armor)
Space: 15 feet


Armor Class: 26, touch 14, flat-footed 24 (+4 armor, +4 deflection, +2 Dex, +8 natural, -2 size)
Hit Points: 157 (15d8+90)
Saving Throws: Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +10
Rock Catching
Immunity: enchantment and illusion spells


Melee: spear +19/+14/+9 (3d6+15/x3) or 2 slams +19 (1d8+10)
Reach: 15 feet
Ranged: rock +12 (2d6+15) or spear +11 (3d6+10/x3)
  Special Attacks: Rock Throwing (140 ft.)


31 (+10) 14 (+2) 22 (+6) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 15 (+2)
Base Attack Bonus: +11
CMB +23
CMD 39
  Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Endurance, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Self-Sufficient, Shot on the Run, Vital Strike
  Skills: Climb +15, Knowledge (religion) +11, Perception +13, Stealth +6 (+12 in undergrowth), Survival +20
  • Racial Modifiers: +6 Stealth in undergrowth
Languages: Common, Giant
  Special Qualities: spirit summoning


Special Abilities

Spirit Summoning (Su)

Once per day, a taiga giant may perform a 10-minute ritual to tap into the power and insight of his ancestral spirits. These spirits provide a +4 deflection bonus to AC, immunity to enchantment and illusion spells, and one of the following spell effects: bless, endure elements, protection from evil, protection from good, or see invisibility. The effects of a spirit summoning persist for 24 hours.


Environment: Cold Mountains or Forests
Organization: solitary, warband (2-7), or tribe (20-50 plus 30% noncombatants, 1 druid or oracle of 3rd-5th level, 2-4 barbarian or ranger hunters of 3rd-5th level, 1 chieftain barbarian or fighter of 4th-7th level, 2-6 dire bears, 2-6 dire tigers, and 8-12 stone giants)
Treasure: standard (hide armor, spear, other treasure)

  Taiga giants wander endlessly to keep from depleting the food supply of any one area. Aurochs and mammoths are their preferred inland prey, while whales, seals, and walruses provide food in coastal regions. These animals form the cornerstone of tribal survival, not just for the food they provide but because nearly all of a tribe's possessions, from their portable shelters to their weapons, are crafted from the bone, hides, and sinews of felled beasts. Little is wasted.
  Taiga giants are also deeply spiritual, worshiping their ancestors. Every tribe member learns to call forth ancestor spirits at a young age. Taiga giants are ashamed of being the ancestors of rune giants as, like most giants, they both hate and fear rune giants as slavers and monsters.
  A typical taiga giant stands 20 feet in height and weighs 10,000 pounds. Skin tones vary from dark to pale gray, with hair color ranging from dark brown to red.