Glacial Haunt

This humanoid has pale white skin and is partially covered in ice and snow. Its hair appears stiff and frozen, glittering with small particles of ice. Its eyes are deep blue and show no signs of life.

Glacial Haunt (CR 2)

Medium Undead (Cold)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Initiative: +2
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Lifesense 100 feet; Perception +8
Aura: bitter cold (10 feet)
  Speed: 30 feet, Burrow 20 feet (ice and snow only) ( snow glide)
Space: 5 feet


Armor Class: 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+1 dodge, +2 Dex, +4 natural)
Hit Points: 22 (4d8+4)
Saving Throws: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5
Channel Resistance +2
Immunity: cold, undead traits
Weaknesses: vulnerability to fire


Melee: slam +6 (1d4+3 plus heat drain)
Reach: 5 feet


14 (+2) 15 (+2) - 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
CMB +5
CMD 18
  Feats: Dodge, Weapon Focus (slam)
  Skills: Climb +9, Perception +8, Stealth +9
  Languages: Common

Special Abilities

Bitter Cold (Ex)

A glacial haunt radiates intense cold in a 10- foot radius. Creatures in or entering the area take 1d2 points of cold damage each round.

Heat Drain (Su)

A glacial haunt's slam attack drains away body heat from living creatures. This attack deals 1d4 points of Strength damage to a living creature. This is a negative energy effect. A creature freezes to death if this Strength damage equals or exceeds its actual Strength score.

Lifesense (Ex)

A glacial haunt can detect living creatures within 100 feet by the heat their bodies radiate. This includes invisible creatures.

Snow Glide (Ex)

A burrowing glacial haunt can pass through ice and snow as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other sign of its presence.


Environment: Cold Lands
Organization: solitary or gang (2-5)
Treasure: none

  The icy wastes sometimes grant unlife to those who freeze to death at her unforgiving hands. The result is a glacial haunt, the utter bane of the unwary traveler, for the glacial haunt is drawn to the heat of all sources, be it from magic, fires, or the warmth given off by living creatures. Glacial haunts spend most of their time wandering their frigid domains seeking to kill and devour anything they encounter. When winter spreads her icy embrace to other lands, the glacial haunt's hunting grounds increase.
  A glacial haunt is 6 feet tall and weighs about 165 pounds. It is usually dressed in the attire it wore at the time of its death, though much of it has rotted or fallen away. Glacial haunts seem to understand, and possibly be able to speak, the Common tongue, but no encounters with these creatures has born any hard evidence of this. Multiple glacial haunts in a single encounter is rare and believed to come about when a group of adventurers succumb to the cold and perish together. Others have speculated that glacial haunts actually reproduce by melting and then splitting into two identical creatures.
  Glacial haunts detest living creatures and attack them on sight. A favored tactic of glacial haunts is to burrow into the snow when it detects living creatures in its domain, and then spring from ambush to assault them when they move near. Glacial haunts batter their foes with their fists, seeking to destroy them by literally smashing the life from them.


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