Golem, Noqual

Pale green metal makes up the body of this automaton. Despite its towering size, it moves with lithe quickness.

Golem, Noqual (CR 18)

Huge Construct
Alignment: Neutral
Initiative: +2
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Low-Light Vision; Perception +0
Aura: impeded magic (60 feet)
  Speed: 40 feet
Space: 15 feet


Armor Class: 32, touch 10, flat-footed 30 (+2 Dex, +22 natural, -2 size)
Hit Points: 202 (25d10+65)
Saving Throws: Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +8; +8 vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities
spell absorption
Damage Reduction: 15/adamantine
Immunity: construct traits, magic


Melee: 2 slams +36 (4d8+19/19-20 plus spell Sunder)
Reach: 15 feet
  Special Attacks: construct bane


36 (+13) 15 (+2) - - 11 (+0) 1 (-5)
Base Attack Bonus: +25
CMB +40
CMD 52
  Feats: Toughness

Special Abilities

Construct Bane (Ex)

A noqual golem deals an additional 2d6 points of damage against constructs (except other noqual golems) and undead created by feats or spells.

Immunity to Magic (Su)

A noqual golem is immune to and absorbs any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.
  • A magical attack that deals electricity damage slows a noqual golem (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw. If the golem is under a haste effect, the attack breaks the haste effect instead.
  • A mage's disjunction spell staggers a noqual golem and negates its impeded magic ability for 1d4 rounds.

    Impeded Magic (Su)

    To successfully cast a spell within 60 feet of a noqual golem, a caster must make a concentration check (DC 25 + the level of the spell being cast). If the check fails, the noqual golem absorbs the spell.

    Powerful Blows (Ex)

    A noqual golem inflicts 1-1/2 times its Strength bonus and threatens a critical hit on a 19-20 with its slam attacks.

    Spell Absorption (Su)

    A noqual golem absorbs any spells blocked or dispelled by its impeded magic, immunity to magic, and spell sunder abilities. It heals 5 points of damage for every spell level absorbed. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. Absorbing a spell gives the golem the benefits of haste (as the spell) for 1 round per spell level.

    Spell Sunder (Su)

    A creature struck by a noqual golem's slam attack is targeted by dispel magic (CL 18th). It absorbs any spells so dispelled.



Environment: Any
Organization: solitary or pair
Treasure: none

  The construction of a noqual golem requires both a considerable supply of the skymetal noqual and the skill to overcome noqual's antipathy to dweomers. The resulting golem resembles an iron golem, but is larger and more nimble. Noqual golems impede magic by their mere presence, and their touch disrupts spells and magical constructs. Nearly all noqual on Golarion lies under Numerian control. The artificers of Numeria prefer tinkering with technological constructs rather than magical ones, but nonetheless Furkas Xoud was believed to have created a noqual golem. Another is thought to serve the sorcerers of Starfall as a fail-safe should their technology prove inadequate. A cabal of cyphermages has taken advantage of the recent discovery of noqual near Riddleport to commence work on their own magic-stealing golem.
  A noqual golem's body is sculpted from 30,000 pounds of iron alloyed with 1,000 pounds of noqual at the staggering cost of 53,000 gp.
  Noqual Golem CL 18th; Price 253,000 gp
  Requirements Craft Construct, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, polymorph any object, wish, creator must be caster level 18th; Skill Craft (armor) or Craft (weapons) DC 26; Cost 153,000 gp


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