Guild Agent

Guild agents are members of a thieves’ guild or other shadowy organization. What they lose in independence, they more than make up for in benefits gained due to their association’s infrastructure. Guild agents come at all levels of the organization, from a lowly recruit all the way up to the guildmaster themself.

Honor Among Thieves (Ex)

A guild agent must remain a member in good standing of a thieves’ guild (they start at rank 1 with their guild when using the organizational influence system on pages 109–117). If the guild agent leaves their guild, they lose all of the abilities granted by this archetype and do not gain their replacements. If they join a new guild, the guild agent regains their abilities, though depending on how they join the guild, they may regain their abilities all at once or gradually over time. Even if the guild in question operates in multiple locations, the guild agent chooses a settlement as a base of operations for their own activities.

Guild Connections (Ex)

At 2nd level, a guild agent gains the black market connections rogue talent.
  Furthermore, they can ask their guild for tips about the local scene, granting them a bonus equal to half their rogue level on Knowledge (local) checks and Diplomacy checks to gather information, as long as the information in question pertains to the guild agent’s base of operations.
  At 4th level, the guild agent also gains the gossip collector vigilante social talent, and their base of operations counts as their area of renown for the purpose of determining the effects of gossip collector.
  This ability replaces Evasion and uncanny dodge.

Pull Rank (Ex)

At 8th level, a guild agent has attained sufficient rank to call in lesser guild members to assist them with a job. They can call lesser members of a number and level equal to the number of followers they would have if they had the Leadership feat (including the +2 bonus for their guildhouse), to a maximum of a number of lesser members equal to their rogue level. If the guild agent possesses the Leadership feat, they gain twice as many followers as normal. If they spend a favor, they can combine this with the command team organizational influence benefit to gain even more lesser members for a particularly difficult job. Each time the guild agent uses the lesser members recklessly and gets them killed, they lose at least 1 influence with their guild.
  This ability replaces Improved Uncanny Dodge.

Criminal Mastermind (Ex)

At 20th level, except in an unusually powerful guild, a guild agent has become the true power behind the guild. The guild agent has built up a nearly worldwide reputation under a particular criminal epithet (such as “The Silver Shadow”), known by criminals and law enforcement officers everywhere. This works like the renown vigilante social talent except as follows. It applies in all towns and cities on the same continent as the guild agent’s base of operations, without requiring them to select a particular settlement.
  They have only one identity, and only other criminals and members of the underworld treat their attitudes toward the guild agent as one step closer to helpful at all times (rather than while only in their social identity), while the bonus on Intimidate checks applies against everyone at all times (rather than while only in their vigilante identity).
  This ability replaces master strike.
  Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents complement the guild agent archetype: assault leader and getaway artist (as well as certainty for an unchained rogue).
  Advanced Talents: The following advanced rogue talents complement the guild agent archetype: getaway master, hunter’s surprise, opportunist, rumormonger, and skill mastery.

Parent Class



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