Hammer and Anvil


This dwarven art is built around the principles of stability and force, utilizing direct, powerful hammer strikes and strong, unyielding stances.  
  • Points Required Per Rank: 1
  • Restrictions: No shields.

hammer and anvil table



The following are special abilities granted to practitioners of the Hammer and Anvil Form.  


At rank 1, gain a +1 Competence Bonus to Hit with Punches. At rank 4 this bonus increases to a +2   At rank 2, gain a +1 Competence Bonus to Damage with Punches. At rank 7 this bonus increases to a +2  

Knock Out Blow

At rank 7, a practitioner using the Hammer and Anvil form can apply the Knock Out Blow modifier to one attack per round. They may choose to apply it after the hit has been determined, but must apply it before damage is rolled. In the case of a critical hit, they may confirm the critical before choosing to apply the modifier.  


Punches: Basic Punch, Uppercut, Bell Ringer, Hammer Strike   Kicks: None   Other: Headbutt   Defenses: Block, Power Block, Absorb Blows   Holds: None   Movements: None   Combos: Combo Punch/Block   Special: Knock Out Blow  

Basic Punch

Type: Strike (Punch)
Damage: 1d4
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Conventional clenched-fist punch.
Special: -


Type: Strike (Punch)
Damage: 1d6
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A punch that travels along a vertical line up into an opponents head.
Special: -4 to parry and block attempts vs this strike.


Type: Defence (Block)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Meet an incoming blow head-on, bearing the brunt of the damage with a well protected appendage, or padding the blow to reduce it's lethality.
Special: When you are hit by a Melee Attack, make a Combat Maneuver Check. The DC is equal to how much the attack exceeded your Flat-Footed AC. On success, reduce the damage of the attack by the amount your Combat Maneuver Check succeeded by, to a minimum of 1 damage. A block may be declared after damage is rolled on the incoming attack, but before any further actions are resolved.

Power Block

Type: Defence (Block)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A block that overpowers the momentum of an enemy's attack to damage them.
Special: As block, but if the Combat Maneuver Check would have reduced the damage below 1, the excess reduction is dealt as bludgeoning damage to the attacker. This damage is treated the same as an unarmed Melee Attack. You must have a free hand to power block, and it can only be used once per round.


Type: Strike (Other)
Damage: 1d6
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A forceful thrust with the top of the head into the face or body of an opponent.
Special: Can be used with an arm or body hold or in a Grapple (use a Combat Maneuver Check in place of an attack in this case). On a miss, attacker takes 1d4 damage.

Combo Block/Punch

Type: Combo (Block/Strike)
Damage: As strike
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A block that includes a counter punch against your opponent.
Special: As block, but if at least one point of damage is blocked you can make a free one-attack punch of your choice against your opponent. Can only be used once per round.

Bell Ringer

Type: Strike (Punch)
Damage: 2d8
Use: 2 attacks
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A high power punch directly to the top of the head.
Special: -4 to hit, Can only be used once per round. Target must make a Fortitude Save (DC = damage dealt) or be Dazed for 1 round.

Hammer Strike

Type: Strike (Punch)
Damage: 2d6
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Closed fist downward strike on your opponent's head or shoulders.
Special: -

Absorb Blows

Type: Defence (Block)
Damage: -
Use: All defenses
Successive Penalty: -
Description: Focus your defenses on blocking hits that would hit vulnerable areas, increasing the difficulty of getting significant damage through.
Special: Uses all remaining defensive maneuvers. Gain DR/ equal to 3 times the number of maneuvers used until the beginning of your next turn.

Knock Out Blow

Type: Special
Damage: -
Use: Can only use as dicated by form.
Successive Penalty: 1/rd
Description: A special modifier to another attack to attempt to knock an opponent unconscious rather than inflict damage to them.
Special: Instead of dealing damage with an attack, target must make a Fortitude Save (DC equal to 5 plus the damage that would have been dealt) or be knocked Unconscious for 1d6 minutes. On a successful save, the attack deals 1d6 damage plus half your Strength modifier. If used against a target immune to critical hits, the attack instead deals its normal damage.



Iron Roots Stance(Ex)

A solid stance with both feet planted firmly shoulder-width apart, turned slightly inward as if gripping the ground like mighty roots. Knees are slightly bent, lowering center of gravity, and posture is straight and solid. One arm is held low and close to the body with a clenched fist. The other arm is held higher, slightly bent with the hand also clenched in a fist. This stance is the epitome of strength and stability.
  You cannot move or dodge while in this stance, are considered flat footed, and have a -5 penalty to Reflex saves. Gain a +4 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense, a +2 bonus to Blocks, and a +2 bonus to hit and damage with punches.

Tamashiwara, Art of Breaking(Ex)

Often used in martial arts demonstrations to kick through boards, punch through bricks, and otherwise destroy hardened objects, Tamashiwara is the art of breaking. Practitioners train on increasingly strong objects until they learn the proper technique to smash through them with ease.
  As a full round action, make an unarmed strike as a Touch Attack against an Object or foe. Deals damage to the target as well as any armor or shield they may be wielding. The attack deals double damage to any Object, armor, or shield struck.
  You gain a +10 to break checks made by striking an Object unarmed.


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