
Cost: 1 sp
Damage: — (small), — (medium)
Category: Unarmed Attacks
Proficiency: Simple
Weapon Groups Close
Special: Monk, See Text
  Many unarmed fighters wrap their hands in cloth to minimize injuries to their fists.
  Some martial artists also weave small coins or metal bars into their handwraps, adding special material effects as well. Handwraps don’t alter the damage a character’s unarmed attacks deal. However, masterwork handwraps can be enchanted as weapons, providing their benefits on unarmed attacks the character makes with her hands. A character can’t benefit from both handwraps and other items that provide enhancement bonuses or weapon special abilities (such as an amulet of mighty fists) on the same attack.
  Note that characters who wear these do not gain their benefits if they make unarmed strikes with anything but their fists (kicks, elbows, knees etc.)


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