Holy Shield

Level: Paladin * 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: no
  You gain the ability to magically project the defense of your shield to protect another creature at a distance. As a Swift Action, you designate one target within 30 feet. The target gains your shield's Shield Bonus and Enhancement Bonus to Armor Class until your next turn; you gain no benefit from the shield's Shield Bonus or Enhancement Bonus while using this spell and cannot use any of the shield's other properties or abilities (such as magical abilities, making a shield bash, or providing cover with a tower shield). As a Swift Action, you may move the protection to another target (including yourself if you move the protection to yourself, you may use any of the shield's properties or abilities as normal. If the shielded creature exceeds the 30-foot range, your shield's protection automatically reverts to you. Any circumstance that would make you lose your Shield Bonus (such as an enemy breaking the shield, you dropping the shield, or you becoming Helpless or Unconscious) means the protected creature loses the shield's benefit.