
One of the grand goals of alchemy is the ability to create new life. A homunculist has made this dream a reality, growing and modifying a familiar in their own laboratory.

Diminished Poisoning

A homunculist doesn’t gain the poison use, poison resistance, poison immunity, or swift poisoning class features.

Homunculus Familiar (Ex)

The homunculist has created a living homunculus in the shape of an animal or vermin. It functions in all ways as a familiar, treating the homunculist’s alchemist level as their effective wizard level.
  This ability replaces mutagen.

Experimentation (Ex)

A homunculist is constantly experimenting on their familiar to give it new and unusual features and abilities.
  At 4th level, the homunculist can grant their familiar 1 evolution point worth of eidolon evolutions for every 4 alchemist levels they possess, though they can’t select any evolutions that require a particular base form. Each time the homunculist gains a level, they can change their familiar’s evolutions. These evolutions stack with those from the Evolved Familiar feat.
  The homunculist can select the Evolved Familiar feat as an alchemist discovery if they meet its prerequisites.

Parent Class



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