Inner Planes

The inner planes are a subset of Realmspace that are the source of fundamental building blocks of matter and energy for the Material Planes.  
The Elemental Planes


The Inner Planes contain environments that are among the most hostile in the multiverse. Unlike the Outer Planes, which are built on belief and thought, the Inner Planes are the manifestation of central aspects of physical reality. As a result of this intense concentration of reality, everything in the Inner Planes, including its inhabitants, are more vivid and intense, while at the same time more indifferent.  


Inner Planar Geography.png
The term "inner" refers to the placement of the planes at the center of the concentric spheres that represent the Great Wheel model. It is also an allusion to the planes' central role in providing the raw material that fed the creation of the Material Planes. They can all be reached from the Prime Material Plane by traveling through the Ethereal Plane.   The Inner planes are all surrounded by the Ethereal Plane, but also connect to each other to form a lattice structure. Some models alternatively depict the inner planes as a sphere, but the general structure remains the same.   There are a total of 18 Inner Planes, which are subdivided into two main groups: six major planes and twelve minor, also called lesser, planes.  

Major Inner Planes

The six major Inner Planes include the elemental planes, which contain the four basic types of matter that constituted the materials of every material plane, and the energy planes, which consists of the two main types of energy that govern life and death. These planes make up the nodes of the lattice structure formed by the inner planes.  
Elemental planes
Energy planes

Minor Inner Planes

The twelve minor Inner Planes are located at the intersection between major planes. They can be divided into two main groups: the para-elemental planes, or "paraplanes", which are located at the intersection between elemental planes; and the quasi-elemental planes, or "quasiplanes", which intersect an elemental plane and an energy plane. These planes form the branches of the lattice structure of the inner planes.  
Para-elemental planes
Positive quasi-elemental planes
Negative quasi-elemental planes


Colocated with the Inner planes are countless smaller Demiplanes, all floating within the same Ethereal Plane.


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