
Known to the non-dwarven peoples as "Glimmerhame", Khundrakar was a pinnacle of dwarven achievement, and the capital of the Baldur Barakat Empire. This grand city was entirely contained within the mountain Dragon's Tooth, along the shores of the black lake in The Hinterlands. Famed for the skill of its artisans and craftsmen, the weapons and armor made within its halls were considered unmatched in quality and craftsmanship. The city fell along with the rest of the Baldur Barakat Empire nearly a millennia ago, and now falls under the domain of Jarl Torvold Leifsson and the kingdom of Krakka Dun. Inhabited primarily by Orcs, though with significant populations of Goblinoids, Ogres, and Giants, The city's upper halls have become a vibrant, if violent, population center for those calling the dangerous mountain region home.


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