Knowledge Domain

You are a scholar and a sage of legends. In addition, you treat all Knowledge skills as class skills.  

Granted Powers

Lore Keeper (): You can touch a creature to learn about its abilities and weaknesses. With a successful Touch Attack, you gain information as if you made the appropriate Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 15 + your Cleric level + your Wisdom modifier.   Remote Viewing (): Starting at 6th level, you can use Clairaudience/Clairvoyance at will as a spell-like ability using your Cleric level as the Caster Level. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your Cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.  

Domain Spells

1st—Comprehend Languages, 2nd—Detect Thoughts, 3rd—Speak with Dead, 4th—Divination, 5th—True Seeing, 6th—Find the Path, 7th—Legend Lore, 8th—Discern Location, 9th—Foresight.  


Subdomains are more focused than domains, replacing some of the domain's spells and powers with new ones. Subdomains may be chosen in place of a domain if the character is eligible for it.  


Aeons are a race of neutral Outsiders.

Replacement Power

The following granted power replaces the remote viewing ability of the Knowledge domain.   Void Form (Su): At 6th level, you can become semi-tangible as a Standard Action. While in this form, you are immune to critical hits and gain a +1 Deflection Bonus to AC. This bonus increases by 1 at 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter.   You can use this power a number of rounds per day equal to your Cleric level. These rounds need not be consecutive.  

Replacement Domain Spells

1st—Sanctuary, 5th— Telepathic Bond, 6th—Planar Binding (aeons only).    


Replacement Power

The following granted power replaces the remote viewing power of the Knowledge domain.   Teaching Moment (Su): At 8th level, when you or an ally within 30 feet rolls a natural 1 or a natural 20 on an attack roll, an ability check, a skill check, or a saving throw, as an Immediate Action you can grant all allies within 30 feet special insights that help them overcome similar challenges. Once during the next minute, each affected creature can choose to roll twice and take the better result before attempting an attack roll, ability check, skill check, or saving throw. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and one additional time per day for every 4 Cleric levels beyond 8th.  

Replacement Domain Spells

1st—Know The Enemy, 2nd—Fox's Cunning, 6th—Battlemind Link, 8th—Circle Of Clarity.    


Replacement Power

The following granted power replaces the lore keeper power of the Knowledge domain.   Deep Cover (Su): When you prepare your spells, you can also choose one cover identity—whether that of a real person or a fictitious one. You can assume the disguise of your cover identity in half the normal amount of time.   When targeted by a spell or effect that would compromise your chosen disguise (such as Detect Evil, Detect Thoughts, or Zone of Truth), as an Immediate Action you can force the creature using the ability to attempt a Will Save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your Cleric level + your Wisdom modifier). If the creature fails, it gains false information in keeping with your cover identity. You can use this false information ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.  

Replacement Domain Spells

2nd—Anonymous Interaction, 4th—Zone of Silence, 8th—Mind Blank.    


Replacement Power

The following granted power replaces the lore keeper power of the Knowledge domain.   Recall (Su): With a touch, you can cause a creature to recall some bit of forgotten lore or information. The creature can retry any Knowledge skill check it has made within the past minute, gaining a Insight Bonus on the check equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can use this ability a number times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.  

Replacement Domain Spells

2nd—Memory Lapse, 6th—Modify Memory, 8th—Moment of Prescience.    


Replacement Power

The following granted power replaces the remote viewing power of the Knowledge domain.   Read Minds (Su): At 8th level, you can broaden your mental spectrum to encompass those around you. Doing so allows you to read the mind of every creature within 30 feet as if you had cast Detect Thoughts. This ability allows you to read the surface thoughts of any creature that you are aware of after only 1 round of Concentration. Creatures in this area are allowed a Will Save to negate the effect. The DC of this Will Save is 10 + 1/2 your Cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your Cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.  

Replacement Domain Spells

3rd—Seek Thoughts, 5th—Telepathic Bond, 8th—Mind Blank.


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