
Cost: 12 gp
Weight: 3 lbs.
Damage: 1d2/1d4 (small), 1d3/1d6 (medium)
Critical: x2
Type: Bashing or Slashing
Category: Two-Handed Melee Weapons
Proficiency: Exotic
Weapon Groups Double, Flails, Monk
Special: Double, Grapple, Monk, Reach, Trip
  This weapon has a single kama or sickle held in the off hand, attached by 10 feet of fine chain to a weighted metal ball. The sickle can be used to make Trip attacks, jabs, and blocks, while the ball is whipped around at high speeds and then smashed into the opponent, or used to tangle an opponent’s sword or spear, allowing the wielder to then attack with the sickle.


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