
You are especially responsive to curative magic that soothes your wounds with particular effectiveness.


Whenever a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability heals you up to your maximum number of hit points, any excess hit points persist for 1 round per level as temporary hit points (up to a maximum number of hit points equal to 1/2 your character level). If the healing from the spell or spell-like ability would normally persist as temporary hit points (such as if the spell's caster were an Oracle of life with the spirit boost revelation), you instead add 1/2 your character level to the spell's caster's level to determine the total number of temporary hit points that you gain. For instance, if a 4th-level Oracle of life with the spirit boost revelation heals a 4th-level Fighter with this feat, up to 6 points of healing could become temporary hit points for the Fighter (the Oracle's caster level + 1/2 the Fighter's level).

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