
This great cat's muscles flex visibly under its skin as it bares its fangs and shakes its thick mane of hair.

Lion (CR 3)

Large Animal
Alignment: Neutral
Initiative: +7
Senses: Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +9
  Speed: 40 feet
Space: 10 feet


Armor Class: 15, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, -1 size)
Hit Points: 32 (5d8+10)
Saving Throws: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2


Melee: bite +7 (1d8+5 plus Grab), 2 claws +7 (1d4+5)
Reach: 5 feet
  Special Attacks: Pounce, Rake (2 claws +7, 1d4+5)


21 (+5) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
CMB +9 (+13 Grapple)
CMD 22 (26 vs. Trip)
  Feats: Improved Initiative, Run, Skill Focus (Perception)
  Skills: Acrobatics +11, Perception +9, Stealth +8 (+12 in undergrowth) Languages:

Special Abilities



Environment: Warm Plains
Organization: solitary, pair, or pride (3-10)
Treasure: none

  Male lions are 5 to 8 feet long and weigh 330 to 550 pounds. Females are slightly smaller but use the same statistics. Lions are usually the top animal predators in their territories, though they resort to scavenging if convenient or necessary.
  They may kill other predators (such as leopards and hyenas) that encroach upon their haunts, but rarely eat these kills unless game is scarce. Most lions do not selectively hunt humanoids, but occasionally one learns what easy kills they are and becomes a man-eater.
  Lions prefer plains but can adapt to living in shallow caves as long as there's a large and stable supply of prey to keep them fed.