Lore Warden (PRG:AG)

Quick wits and deceptive techniques can often succeed where brute force might not. A lore warden is the consummate warrior-scholar of the Explorer’s Society, outsmarting their competition even when locking blades with powerful foes. Outside of Combat, a lore warden’s extensive education also helps them document the past and survive great danger.

Scholastic (Ex)

A lore warden gains 2 additional skill ranks each level. These ranks must be spent on Intelligence-based skills. All Craft and Knowledge skills are class skills for lore wardens, as are Linguistics and Spellcraft.
  This ability replaces the fighter’s proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and shields.

Skill Over Strength (Ex)

At 2nd level, a lore warden qualifies for feats and other abilities as though they had the Combat Expertise feat.
  At 6th level, they gain Combat Expertise as a bonus feat, even if they would not normally qualify for the feat. If they already have Combat Expertise, they instead gain any one combat feat that includes Combat Expertise as a prerequisite (and for which they otherwise qualify).
  At 10th level, they can treat their base attack bonus as though it were 2 higher for the purpose of calculating the effects of Combat Expertise.
  This ability replaces bravery and the fighter bonus feat gained at 2nd level.

Swords Secret (Ex)

A lore warden learns specialized techniques that help them to quickly analyze and defeat their foes. At 3rd level, a lore warden gains one swords secret, and they gain an additional swords secret for every 4 fighter levels gained after 3rd. Except where noted, a lore warden cannot select the same swords secret more than once.

Exploit Weakness (Ex)

The lore warden adds one-third their class level on attack rolls to confirm critical hits. At 11th level, whenever they confirm a critical hit, their weapon attacks ignore the first 5 points of Damage Reduction or Hardness the target has until the end of their next turn. At 19th level, the lore warden can automatically confirm a critical hit once per round when they threaten a critical hit.

Hair’s Breadth (Ex)

Once per day when subject to a critical hit, the lore warden can attempt an Acrobatics check to reduce the damage as an Immediate Action. If the result of this Acrobatics check is greater than the opponent’s confirmation roll, they negate the critical hit; the attack still hits and deals normal damage. The lore warden must be at least 11th level to select this swords secret. At 15th level they can use this secret one additional time per day.

Know Thy Enemy (Ex)

When the lore warden succeeds at a Knowledge check to identify a creature’s abilities and weaknesses, they can also use a Standard Action to grant themselves a +2 Insight Bonus on all attack and weapon damage rolls made against that enemy. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to half their class level (minimum 2 rounds), or until the lore warden uses this ability against a different creature. At 11th level, they also gain a +2 bonus to their AC against the creature when using this ability. At 19th level, the Insight Bonus increases to +3.

Maneuver Training (Ex)

The lore warden gains a brawler’s maneuver training class feature, treating their fighter level as their brawler level.

Swift Assessment (Ex)

The lore warden can now use their know thy enemy swords secret as a Move Action. At 15th level, they can use this ability as a Swift Action. They must have the know thy enemy swords secret before choosing this swords secret.
  This replaces armor training and armor mastery.

Parent Class



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