Magical Beast Shape

Transmutation (Polymorph)
Level: Sorcerer */Wizard * 7
Components: V, S, M (a piece of the creature whose form you plan to assume)
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: -
Spell Resistance: -
  When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Dimunitive, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, or Huge creature of the animal type, or any diminutuve, tiny, small, medium, large, or huge creature of the magical beast type. This spell functions like a Polymorph spell, except as noted below.
  If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain those abilities: Burrow 60 feet, Climb90 feet, Fly 120 feet (good maneuverability), Swim 120 feet, Blindsense 60 feet, Blindsight 30 feet, Darkvision 90 feet, Low-Light Vision, Scent, see in Darkness, Tremorsense 60 feet, blood drain, blood frenzy, Breath Weapon (if damage, up to 12d6 points), Constrict, Fast Healing 5, Ferocity, Grab, hold breath, Jet, no breath, poison, Pounce, Powerful Charge, pull, Rake, Rend, roar, spikes, Trample, Trip, and Web. If the creature has immunity to poison, you gain a +8 Resistance Bonus on saves against poison. If the creature has immunity or resistance to any energy types, you gain Resistance To Energy 20 to those energy types. If the creature has vulnerability to an energy type, you gain that vulnerability. If the creature's ability is greater than or less than the value shown here, you take the lesser of the two values.
  Diminutive animal: If the form you take is that of a Diminutive animal, you gain a +6 Size Modifier to your Dexterity, a -4 penalty to your Strength, and a +1 Natural Armor Bonuss.
  Tiny animal: If the form you take is that of a Tiny animal, you gain a +4 Size Modifier to your Dexterity, a -2 penalty to your Strength, and a +1 Natural Armor Bonus.
  Small animal: If the form you take is that of a Small animal, you gain a +2 Size Modifier to your Dexterity and a +1 Natural Armor Bonus.
  Medium animal: If the form you take is that of a Medium animal, you gain a +2 Size Modifier to your Strength and a +2 Natural Armor Bonus.
  Large animal: If the form you take is that of a Large animal, you gain a +4 Size Modifier to your Strength, a -2 penalty to your Dexterity, and a +4 Natural Armor Bonus.
  Huge animal: If the form you take is that of a Huge animal, you gain a +6 Size Modifier to your Strength, a -4 penalty to your Dexterity, and a +6 Natural Armor Bonus.
  Diminutive Magical Beast: If you assume this form, you gain a +10 size bonus to your Dexterity score and take a -4 penalty to your Strength score.
  Tiny magical beast: If the form you take is that of a Tiny magical beast, you gain a -2 penalty to your Strength, a +8 Size Modifier to your Dexterity, and a +3 Natural Armor Bonuss.
  Small magical beast: If the form you take is that of a Small magical beast, you gain a +4 Size Modifier to your Dexterity, and a +2 Natural Armor Bonus.
  Medium magical beast: If the form you take is that of a Medium magical beast, you gain a +4 Size Modifier to your Strength, and a +4 Natural Armor Bonus.
  Large magical beast: If the form you take is that of a Large magical beast, you gain a +6 Size Modifier to your Strength, a -2 penalty on your Dexterity, a +2 Size Modifier to your Constitution, and a +6 Natural Armor Bonus.
  Huge Magical Beast: If you assume this form, you gain a +8 size bonus to your Strength score, take a -4 penalty on your Dexterity score, a +2 size bonus to your Constitution score, and gain a +7 Natural Armor Bonus.