Marduk (Dead)

Marduk was an aspect of the lesser dragon god Bahamut, worshiped in Unther as the greater god of cities, wind, thunder, storms, and rain until his death during the Orcgate Crisis.



Marduk was one of the few members of the Untheric pantheon who had an inhuman appearance. He had the form of a humanoid with red skin, four eyes and four ears, shooting flames from his mouth when he spoke.


Marduk is concerned with justice and law, and he always opposes the schemes of Tiamat, the Nemesis of the Gods.

Divine Realm

Marduk has a realm in Arcadia also called Marduk, a city of marble and adobe located on the center of an arid land of sun and sky. The rivers Luar and Kath flow through the realm and the city, keeping it cool even on the hottest days. Outsiders to the realm are watched carefully, but left to their own devices as long as they respect the law. He usually leaves the rule of his city to mortals, just to see how they adapt to his precepts.

As a member of the Untheric pantheon, he also has a realm on Zigguraxus.


In −2489 DR, the Untheric pantheon was brought to Toril when former Imaskari slaves founded the Untheric empire. Bahamut, a lesser god of the Draconic pantheon, became part of the Untheric pantheon under the alias of Marduk, and his worship soon grew to elevate him to the status of greater god.
  The dragon goddess Tiamat, Bahamut's sister and longtime rival, also became part of the Untheric pantheon. Now that they had humanoid worshipers, the Dragonfall War entered into a new period of intensity, and over the next thousand years the two dragon gods fought each other personally, with neither being able to gain the upper hand.
  At some point after the foundation of Unther, the brown dragon Vulpomyscan wreaked havoc on Untheran farms and villages as the humans began to encroach his territory. This angered the gods of Unther and Marduk led an army against Vulpomyscan's dwarven legions. While the two armies fought on the ground, the ancient wyrm battled Marduk in the skies above the Black Ash Plain. Losses were heavy on both sides until finally Vulpomyscan was slain by Marduk and his cultists were defeated.
  In −1076 DR, the Orcgate Wars began when an army of orcs from another world invaded the lands that later would become Thay, forcing the Mulhorandi and Untheric gods to muster their armies against them. In −1071 DR, during the infamous Battle of the Gods, while Gilgeam fought against the orc deity Ilneval, Tiamat saw her chance to kill Gilgeam, but before she could act Marduk intercepted her and in the ensuing battle they killed each other. With both of their Untheric aspects dead, Tiamat and Bahamut were both stripped of their divine power.
  After the war was over, Marduk's body was entombed in a tomb in a southwestern tributary of the River of Swords. Besides for the small cult that remained to guard his tomb, Marduk's church slowly disappeared, mostly due to the influence of Gilgeam's priesthood, and many believed he was killed by the orc gods. His name was remembered only by the Cult of the Old Gods, a minor cult of Unther.
  Meanwhile, Bahamut was reduced to the status of celestial paragon, without enough followers to worship him as a god until the Year of the Serpent, 1359 DR, when he regained his status of lesser deity.

Marduk (Dead)

Dead Power

Basic Information

The Justice Bringer
Lord of Pure Incantations



A silvery net










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