Mark Of The Devoted

You have pledged your life to defend Mzali against invaders, and will continue to do so even after your death.


1st-level character, Human of Mwangi ethnicity, Walkena worshiper, must personally create a token worth at least 50 gp prior to an 8-hour branding ritual during which you survive taking 2d6 points of fire damage.


Dedicated to ridding your land of colonialist invaders, you have pledged your eternal soul to the purging of their presence from Mzali. Upon completion of the ritual, you gain Fire Resistance 2 and a +1 Morale Bonus on Will saves. When you are killed, you rise as a juju zombie after 1d4 minutes. Upon rising, your alignment changes to evil. Lawful and chaotic components of your alignment are not changed. After this transformation, you deal an additional 1d6 points of fire damage with the slam attack gained from the template.


If you are a juju zombie at the time when Mzali is entirely purged of foreigners, your duty to Mzali is fulfilled and you are immediately destroyed.

Required For