Martial Arts Combos


Type: Combo (Dodge/Move)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A calculatead flip backwards out of range of an enemy's attack.
Special: As dodge, but movement is up to 10 ft., occurs immediately, and is into the square of your choice (must still be away from the attacker). Can only be used once per round.

Backward Turn

Type: Combo (Dodge/Move)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A quick tumble away from an enemy strike.
Special: As dodge, but if successful, move 5 ft. away from the attacker into the open square of your choice. Can only be used once per round, and does not suffer from or count towards successive dodge penalties.

Combo Arm Grab/Punch

Type: Combo (Hold/Strike)
Damage: 1d4
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Grab an opponent's arm to open them up to an easy hit.
Special: Make a melee Touch Attack to establish an arm grab. If successful, make a one-handed punch attack at +4 to hit, and the defender cannot use any defenses against it.

Combo Backflip Kick

Type: Combo (Dodge/Strike/Move
Damage: 1d6
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A flip backwards away from an attack along with a parting kick.
Special: As dodge, but if successful you can make a free kick attack of your choice against the attacker before moving 5 ft. back into the square of your choice. Can only be used once per round.

Combo Block/Punch

Type: Combo (Block/Strike)
Damage: As strike
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A block that includes a counter punch against your opponent.
Special: As block, but if at least one point of damage is blocked you can make a free one-attack punch of your choice against your opponent. Can only be used once per round.

Combo Body Grab/Head Bash

Type: Combo (Hold/Strike)
Damage: 1d6
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Grab hold of an opponent's body and pull them in close as you bash your head into theirs.
Special: Make a melee Touch Attack to establish a body grab. If successful, make a headbutt attack at +4 to hit, and the defender cannot use any defenses against it. On a miss, you take 1d4 damage. This combo counts as a headbutt for successive penalties

Combo Body Grab/Kick

Type: Combo (Hold/Strike)
Damage: 1d6
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Grab an opponent's body to set them up to receive a kick from you.
Special: Make a melee Touch Attack to establish body grab. If successful, make a kick attack at +4 to hit, and the defender cannot use any defenses against it.

Combo Drop Kick/Dodge

Type: Combo (Dodge/Strike)
Damage: 2d8
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A dodge that includes a drop kick as part of the motion.
Special: As dodge, but if successful you make a kick attack against the attacker and go Prone in your current square. Can only be used once per round.

Combo Leg hook/Lock

Type: Combo (Hold/Strike)
Damage: -
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Trip an opponent and grab hold of their leg as they fall.
Special: Make a Leg Hook. If successful, Make a Combat Maneuver Check to establish a leg lock at +4.

Combo Parry/Punch

Type: Combo (Parry/Strike)
Damage: 2d4
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: Parry an incoming blow and use the opening to land a punch.
Special: As parry, but if successful you can make a punch attack against the attacker. Can only be used once per round.

Combo Standing Dodge

Type: Combo (Dodge/Move)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A dodge from a prone position that includes a rapid standing action.
Special: As dodge, but no penalties for being Prone, and you may stand as a Free Action on success instead of moving. Must be Prone to use.

Crane Kick

Type: Combo (Parry/Strike)
Damage: 3d6
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A counter kick exclusive to crane stance that deals high damage in addition to stopping an enemy's strike.
Special: As parry, but if successful, deals damage to the defender. Must be in Crane Stance to use, and exits crane stance regardless of success.

Flying Jump Kick

Type: Combo (Strike/Move)
Damage: 2d8
Use: 2 attacks
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A flying leap into a devastating kick against an opponent.
Special: Up to 10 ft. of straight line movement paired with a kick attack. Any bonus damage is doubled as though it were a critical hit. Opponent must be in line with the movement. DC 10 Acrobatics check or movement is limited to 5 ft. and the attack is lost (DC 20 to jump over an occupied square). Can only be used once per round.

Flying Tackle

Type: Combo (Hold/Move)
Damage: -
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -
Description: Forward leap into a hold against a foe.
Special: Up to 10 ft. of straight line movement paired with a hold attempt. DC 10 Acrobatics check or movement is limited to 5 ft. and the hold attempt is lost. Can use with any hold.

Pouncing Strike

Type: Combo (Strike/Move)
Damage: As strike
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -
Description: Forward leap as part of an attack.
Special: Up to 10 ft. of straight line movement. Requires a DC 10 Acrobatics check or movement is limited to 5 ft. and the attack is lost. Can be used with any strike, and can only be used once per round.

Reverse Turning Kick

Type: Combo (Dodge/Strike)
Damage: 2d6
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A dodge paired with a counter kick against the attacker.
Special: As dodge, but if successful you do not move and instead make a kick attack against the attacker. Can only be used once per round.


Type: Combo (Parry/Strike)
Damage: As weapon
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: An armed parry into a counter strike against your attacker.
Special: As parry, but if successful you can make an armed attack against your opponent. Can only be used once per round, and you must be armed to use it.

Sidewinder Strike

Type: Combo (Dodge/Strike)
Damage: As strike
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: Make a dodge attempt. If successful, move 5 feet into a square adjacent to attacker and make an attack roll. Opponent is considered flanked for this attack.
Special: As dodge, but movement is not away from opponent, and occurs immediately. If successful, you can make an attack against your opponent using any move or weapon available in your current form. Your opponent is considered Flanked for this attack. Can only be used once per round.

Spinning Leap Attack

Type: Combo (Strike/Move)
Damage: 1d8/1d8
Use: 2 attacks
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A spinning leap towards an opponent that includes both a kick and punch attack.
Special: Make a DC 10 Acrobatics check. On success, move up to 10 ft. in a straight line into melee with an opponent and make a two attacks, each using your Acrobatics skill bonus in place of your normal attack bonuses. If the check fails, movement is limited to 5 ft. and both attacks are wasted. Can only be used once per round.


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