Martial Arts Defenses



Type: Defence (Block)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Meet an incoming blow head-on, bearing the brunt of the damage with a well protected appendage, or padding the blow to reduce it's lethality.
Special: When you are hit by a Melee Attack, make a Combat Maneuver Check. The DC is equal to how much the attack exceeded your Flat-Footed AC. On success, reduce the damage of the attack by the amount your Combat Maneuver Check succeeded by, to a minimum of 1 damage. A block may be declared after damage is rolled on the incoming attack, but before any further actions are resolved.

Automatic Block

Type: Defence (Block)
Damage: -
Use: -
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A quick reflexive block that requires minimal thought or effort.
Special: As Block, but the check is made at a -2 penalty. You can only use one automatic move per round.

Power Block

Type: Defence (Block)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A block that overpowers the momentum of an enemy's attack to damage them.
Special: As block, but if the Combat Maneuver Check would have reduced the damage below 1, the excess reduction is dealt as bludgeoning damage to the attacker. This damage is treated the same as an unarmed Melee Attack. You must have a free hand to power block, and it can only be used once per round.

Body Block

Type: Defence (Block)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Use a grappled opponent as a shield against an attack, forcing them to take the damage instead.
Special: When you are hit by a Melee Attack while holding an opponent in a lock or pin, make a Combat Maneuver Check. if the check meets or exceeds the attack roll, then you move your Grappled opponent into the path of the blow, and they take the damage instead. This can be used against an attack that fails to hit you, in which case the DC of the CM check is the higher of the attack or your Grappled opponent's current AC vs outside attacks.

Impact sponge

Type: Defence (Block)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A block that includes some showmanship to trick the foe into thinking they bested you.
Special: As block, but you put off the appearance of full damage being taken. Make a Bluff check opposed by Sense Motive to sell it. At your option, you can go Prone or feign disability after blocking.

Absorb Blows

Type: Defence (Block)
Damage: -
Use: All defenses
Successive Penalty: -
Description: Focus your defenses on blocking hits that would hit vulnerable areas, increasing the difficulty of getting significant damage through.
Special: Uses all remaining defensive maneuvers. Gain DR/ equal to 3 times the number of maneuvers used until the beginning of your next turn.



Type: Defence (Dodge)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: By making a quick movement away from an incoming attack, you leave the blow to strike at nothing but air.
Special: When you are hit by a Melee Attack or successful Grapple/hold attempt, make an Acrobatics check. The DC is equal to 10 + how much their attack exceeded your touch AC. On success, the attack misses and you move to a random adjacent open square. If no such square is available, or at your choice, you instead go Prone in your current square. Against area melee attacks, movement is restricted to squares not included in the attack, and the dodge fails if none are available. Against Grapple/hold attempts, the DC is 15 + the amount their check succeeded by. You must release any grapples/holds you control in order to dodge, and you cannot dodge if you are currently Grappled/held, Entangled, or otherwise restricted in your ability to move. Against an attacker with multiple attacks, the movement is not resolved until the last attack is made by that target. A dodge must be declared before the damage of the attack is resolved.

Automatic Dodge

Type: Defence (Dodge)
Damage: -
Use: -
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A dodge made of sheer reflex, requiring little thought or effort to perform.
Special: As dodge, but the check is made at a -2 penalty. You can only use one automatic move per round.

Multiple Dodge

Type: Defence (Dodge)
Damage: -
Use: Full Round Action
Successive Penalty: -
Description: By spending the entire round darting between foes and allies alike, you make yourself a difficult target to nail down, at the expense of any other action.
Special: Spend a full round action to allow you to dodge all incoming attacks until your next turn. You can take no other defensive maneuvers during this time, but may still make attacks of opportunity. Each dodge is resolved independently using normal dodge rules, but you are not subjected to penalties for repeated use of dodges during this action.

Stationary Dodge

Type: Defence (Dodge)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Weaving your upper body around an incoming blow, you dodge an attack without breaking your stance.
Special: As dodge, but there is no movement, and you do not go Prone.

Misleading Step

Type: Defence (Dodge)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A feinted step one way, followed by a quick dive the other before more blows can land.
Special: As dodge, but movement is immediate, and you choose which square to mvoe to. Can only be used once per round.

Saddle Slip

Type: Defence (Dodge)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Slide out of your saddle to one side of your mount to avoid an attack.
Special: As dodge, but made while mounted. The check is made at a -2 penalty, but results in no movement on a success. On a fail, make a Dexterity check equal to the amount failed by to remain mounted.



Type: Defence (Parry)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Attempt to thwart an enemy's attack by intercepting the strike before it can land. This can be done with a weapon or by hand.
Special: When you are hit by a Melee Attack, make an Unarmed Attack roll. If it meets or exceeds the attack roll against you, the attack is negated. You must have a free hand to parry. A parry must be declared before the damage of the attack is resolved.

Automatic Parry

Type: Defence (Parry)
Damage: -
Use: -
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: More reflex than planned counter, an automatic parry can be made without effort.
Special: As parry, but the check is made at a -2 penalty. You can only use one automatic move per round.

Multiple Parry

Type: Defence (Parry)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Quick, fluid counters that flow one into the other, intercepting multiple strikes from a single foe.
Special: As parry, but effects all hits from a single creature for the round. Count each parry individually for successive penalties, and roll vs each hit separately. Can only be used once per round.

Circular Parry

Type: Defence (Parry)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A sweeping counter that intercepts blows from multiple directions.
Special: As parry, but the check is made at a -2 penalty. If successful, you can apply the roll to a second hit provided it is from a different foe (second parry does not count towards successive penalties). Can only be used once per round.

Disarming Parry

Type: Defence (Parry)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A spiraling counter that leverages the incoming strike's momentum into leveraging their weapon away from them.
Special: As parry, but on success make a CM check vs opponents CMD. If successful, the weapon they attacked with is disarmed. Can only be used once per round, and opponent must be attacking with a weapon.


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