Master of Disguise

A master of disguise feels no need to advertise their skills to build a reputation. Instead, they believe that never letting their adversaries know their true identity protects them from bad luck or missteps on a job.

Consummate Actor (Ex)

A master of disguise adds half their rogue level (minimum 1) on all Disguise checks and on Bluff checks to stay in character while using Disguise.
  At 2nd level, they gain the quick disguise rogue talent, and they can create a disguise twice as quickly as normal even for that rogue talent (they can create a disguise that encompasses only minor details as a Standard Action).
  This ability replaces trapfinding and the rogue talent gained at 2nd level.

Grandmaster of Disguise (Ex)

At 10th level, a master of disguise gains the master of disguise advanced rogue talent and can use it an unlimited number of times per day. Because they must still don a physical disguise to gain this bonus, it doesn’t stack with the bonuses from spells like alter self and disguise self, but since it is completely non-magical, it is more reliable when scrutinized under magical detection.
  This ability replaces the rogue talent gained at 10th level.
  Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents complement the master of disguise archetype: camouflage, false friend, major magic, minor magic, obfuscate story, shades of gray, and Steal story.
  Advanced Talents: The following advanced rogue talents complement the master of disguise archetype: hard minded, hidden mind, skill mastery, slippery mind, and unwitting ally.

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