Melira Taralen

Melira Taralen is a minor elven goddess of bards, the fine arts, and song magic. Like many of her mortal contemporaries, she too has a benefactor, the leader of the elven pantheon Corellon.



Melira appeared as a pretty, 5.5 feet (1.7 meters) tall elven female with flaxen hair and brilliant blue eyes garbed in an equally bright blue robe.


Melira is a vivacious goddess who, despite favoring musicians, does not dislike those without talent and indeed sees efforts to teach others how to musically express themselves as heartwarming.

Divine Realm

The closest thing Melira has to her own divine realm is the Evergold, the sacred Arborean fountain of youth closely tied to (among other goddesses) her mother.


Melira is most often at the Evergold, singing and playing as her mother relaxes.


Melira had worshipers of all alignments, though her worshiper base tended towards non-evil elves and her clergy specifically away from lawful tendencies. Her faithful were usually musically-inclined or appreciative of music, as she not only favored the musicians themselves but also their patrons, allegedly gifting boons upon those who treated their artists well. Notably, her clergy was absent of regular clerics, as she only sought those with proven musical talent to comprise it. About 70% of the clergy were specialty priests called Brystars, the rest a motley of half-elf bards, elf minstrels, mystics, and other sorts.
  There were few temples solely dedicated to Melira; her places of worship were often groves (especially where festivals were being held) and she otherwise had shrines within guildhalls or temples of Hanali. Rather than happening on set dates, holy days were simply declared just before a festival, with the vestaments of bright blue robes being worn at such times. On such days they celebrated by singing, dancing, and reciting poetry. The clergy had few duties or goals save for perfecting their individual musical skill and helping to train and hone others in their singing, strumming, and songwriting.


Melira's mother was Hanali Celanil, the elven goddess of beauty and love. Melira was technically a servant of her mother rather than Corellon himself, but given that he was Hanali's superior she did so by extension, even leaving aside his status as her artistic patron.
  Melira had no true foes of her own, though as a member of the Seldarine she opposed the drow and goblinoid deities. If she could be said to have any personal rivalry, it would be her friendly rivalry with the god Milil, as their similar portfolios made her feel he might be "poaching" her worship. Even so, she counted him and his superior Oghma as an ally, and the two deities of song sometimes duetted.
  Unbeknownst to anyone except Corellon and Milil, and suspected only by Labelas Enoreth, Hanali Celanil, Erevan Ilesere, and Sehanine Moonbow, Melira was in fact the daughter of Milil. The Lord of Song had also spent some time in a female form called Taralenarra, who acted as a mysterious mother figure during Melira's childhood.

Melira Taralen

Lesser deity

Basic Information

The Songstress
Patron of Bards and Minstrels




Chaotic Good

A golden lute on a blue background


Bards, Fine Arts, Minstrels, Song Magic, Songwriting


Elven and half-elven bards and minstrels
Lovers of the fine arts,


Chaos (Revelry)
Magic (Arcane, Divine)
Rune (Language)

Favored Aspects




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