
This tiny fey resembles a 1-foot tall elf with small bee-like wings, silver hair, milk white skin, and icy blue eyes. It is dressed in colorful garments of blue, silver, or green and carries a tiny short sword in a scabbard slung across its backs, resting between its wings.

Mimi (CR 1)

Tiny Fey (Cold)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Initiative: +4
Senses: Low-Light Vision; Perception +5
  Speed: 20 feet, Fly 50 feet (average)
Space: 2 1/2 feet


Armor Class: 19, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural, +2 size)
Hit Points: 4 (1d6+1)
Saving Throws: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3
Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron
Immunity: cold
Spell Resistance: 15
Weaknesses: vulnerability to fire


Melee: short sword +6 (1d3-3),
Reach: 0 feet
  Special Attacks: group casting, lower temperature
  Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th):


4 (-3) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
Base Attack Bonus: +0
CMB +2
CMD 10
  Feats: Dodge, Weapon Finesse
  Skills: Bluff +6, Craft (any one) +6, Escape Artist +8, Perception +5, Perform (limericks) +6, Perform (sing) +6, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +16, Survival +2, Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan

Special Abilities

Group Casting ()

A group of three or more mimis together can use freezing sphere (DC 18 half), once per day. Caster level 12th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Lower Temperature (Su)

A mimi can, as a free action, lower the temperature in a 10- foot radius around its body by 20-80 degrees. Creatures in the area that are not immune or resistant to cold may take damage as detailed in the Pathfinder RPG Corebook (see Cold Hazards).


Environment: Cold Forest or Plains
Organization: gang (2-4), band (6-11), or tribe (20-80)
Treasure: no coins; 50% goods; 50% items

  Mimis are 1-foot tall mischievous creatures that inhabit cold forests and fields and derive pleasure from playing tricks on creatures that wander into their icy realm. Mimi tricks are always harmless and include such things as throwing snowballs at a creature, creating a patch of ice on the ground and watching a creature slip and fall, or turning invisible and sneaking into a sleeping creature's camp wherein they put snow or ice in the creature's boots, clothes, or backpack.
  While frolicsome, mimis are generally good-natured and friendly towards those they encounter. They often lend aid to creatures in need, especially those that have helped a mimi in the past. Mimis will not lend aid or assistance to creatures of a malign nature and tend to avoid such creatures if possible. They are on good terms with most other fey creatures, though they find brownies to be a little too \"stiff\" for their liking and buckawns to be a bit too gruff.
  Druids and rangers can detect the presence of a mimi or group of mimis with a successful DC Survival check. Mimis are non-aggressive creatures and rarely attack, unless potential adversaries are inherently evil. They prefer to avoid combat if at all possible but if drawn in, they open using their frost fingers. Against more powerful opponents, mimis begin combat by blasting their foes with a cone of cold.
  A persistent foe that wishes to continue the battle against a mimi (after being hit with its frost fingers or cone of cold) is subjected to a rapid decrease in the surrounding temperature. A mimi lowers the temperature just enough to possibly damage an adversary (see cold dangers in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook) and maybe force it away; its goal is not to kill it. Mimis usually turn invisible and flee if they cannot drive their opponents away.
  Copyright Notice Author Scott Greene.


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