
While most alchemists use mutagens to boost their physical ability at the cost of mental ability, some use alchemy for the opposite purposeā€”to boost the power of the mind and memory. A mindchemist can reach incredible levels of mental acuity, but suffers lingering debilitating effects to their physique.
  A mindchemist has the following class features.


At 1st level, a mindchemist learns how to create a cognatogen, as per the cognatogen discovery.
  This ability replaces the mutagen class ability (a mindchemist cannot create mutagens unless they select mutagen as a discovery).

Perfect Recall

At 2nd level, a mindchemist has honed their memory. When making a Knowledge check, they may add their Intelligence bonus on the check a second time. Thus, a mindchemist with 5 ranks in Knowledge (history) and a +2 Intelligence bonus has a total skill bonus of +9 (5 + 2 + 2) using this ability. The mindchemist can also use this ability when making an Intelligence check to remember something.
  This ability replaces poison use.

Bonus Feats

A mindchemist may select Skill Focus (Disable Device, Disguise, Heal, any Knowledge skill, Sense Motive, or Spellcraft) in place of a discovery.


A mindchemist may learn three languages in place of a discovery.
  Discoveries: The following discoveries complement the mindchemist archetype: grand cognatogen, greater cognatogen, infuse mutagen.

Parent Class



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