Miscellaneous Equipment

Miscellaneous Equipment is a compilation of all of the equipment that can be encountered that is not a weapon, armor, or magic item (though some items present here may well be considered magical in nature, they do not fit any of the categories of magic items). This can include intangible items, such as NPC services and transportation costs.   Adventuring Gear includes most common items like rope, packs, torches, and so on.   Alchemical Items covers the many trinkets, tinctures, and weapons that can be crafted by or purchased from those with skill in the art of Craft (alchemy).   Channel Foci are items that can modify the Channel Energy ability to change its effects.   Food and Drink covers most commonly available cuisine, and gives typical prices for such items.   Herbs includes those herbs that have special properties that allow for its use beyond simple flavorings or aesthetics, such as healing, poison, or ingredients for alchemical items.   Lodging and Services covers intangible items, like the cost of a room at a typical inn, or the typical charge for spellcasting or mercenary services.   Mounts and Pets has the costs for service or companion animals that are commonly offered.   Tools includes kits and equipment necessary for the practice of most Profession, Craft, and Artistry skills, as well as some other items.   Transport lists costs of more intangible services, such as stagecoach rides, passage aboard ships, and other commonly offered means of transportation.   Vehicles lists costs to actually purchase various transportation vehicles.  


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