
Mnemostillers extract memories, storing them as a thick vapor called mnemos. They can return memories as easily as administering a potion, and experienced mnemostillers create a variety of effects through the careful administration of past traumas or victories. Mental Ambix
  A mnemostiller’s alchemy relies on force of personality, using their own mind as an alchemy lab to draw and purify the mnemos collected from others.
  A mnemostiller uses their Charisma score in place of their Intelligence score for the purpose of extracts and bonus extracts. A mnemostiller still uses their Intelligence score to learn new formulae.
  The mnemostiller can cast detect thoughts as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to their Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
  This alters alchemy and replaces throw anything. Rasugen (Su)
  A mnemostiller learns to brew a unique type of mutagen, called a rasugen, that suppresses their mind to enter a state of sublime purity. In this state, a mnemostiller becomes incredibly resilient, but cannot perform complex skills. Once imbibed, a rasugen grants a +2 Alchemical Bonus on all saving throws and 2 temporary hit points per alchemist level for 10 minutes per alchemist level. In addition, while the rasugen is in effect, a mnemostiller takes a –2 penalty to their Intelligence score and can’t attempt checks using Appraise, Craft, Disable Device, Heal, Knowledge (any), Profession, Sleight of Hand, or Spellcraft. This acts in all other ways like a mutagen.
  This replaces mutagen. A mnemostiller can never gain the mutagen, cognatogen, or inspiring cognatogen ability, even from a discovery or another class. Anguish Bomb (Su)
  A mnemostiller crafts their bombs from mnemos of pain and discomfort, inflicting psychic damage. An anguish bomb is identical to a bomb except that it deals nonlethal damage, it deals no damage to inanimate objects and creatures immune to mental effects, and creatures caught in the anguish bomb’s splash can attempt a Will Save for half damage. A mnemostiller uses their Charisma score in place of their Intelligence score to determine the bonus damage of their anguish bomb and the save DC of the anguish bomb’s splash damage. They still use their Intelligence score to determine their number of bombs per day. If the mnemostiller has taken any hit point damage in the past 24 hours, their anguish bombs inflict 1 additional point of nonlethal damage for every 2 alchemist levels they have.
  This replaces bombs. Brewed Memories
  A mnemostiller can create several unique extracts from the mnemos they pull from the minds of others. At 2nd level, they add mindlink, placebo effect, and thought echo to their formula book as 1st-level extracts. At 5th level, they add aura alteration, detect mindscape, and mindscape door to their formula book as 2nd-level extracts. At 8th level, they add mindwipe and thoughtsense to their formula book as 3rd-level extracts; the range for a mindwipe extract becomes creature touched, and it can be applied only to a Helpless or willing creature.
  This replaces poison resistance. Natural Empath (Ex)
  A mnemostiller’s studies naturally focus on others. They gain infusion as a bonus discovery at 2nd level.
  This replaces poison use. Mind-Delver (Su)
  At 10th level, a mnemostiller can use mind probe as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to their Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

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