Monstrous Sea Wasp, Small

A translucent blue and nearly invisible in water, this cube-shaped jellyfish has four distinct sides and trails dozens of extremely long tentacles.

Monstrous Sea Wasp, Small (CR 1/2)

Small Vermin (Aquatic)
Alignment: Neutral
Initiative: +1
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, watersense 60 feet; Perception +4
  Speed: Swim 40 feet
Space: 5 feet


Armor Class: 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1 size)
Hit Points: 5 (1d8+1)
Saving Throws: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0
Immunity: vermin traits


Melee: tentacle +2 (1d4-3 plus poison)
Reach: 5 feet
  Special Attacks: entangle


5 (-3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) - 10 (+0) 2 (-4)
Base Attack Bonus: +0
CMB -4
CMD 7 (can't be tripped)
  Feats: Weapon Finesse
  Skills: Escape Artist +11, Perception +4, Stealth +15, Swim +9 Languages:
  Special Qualities: Jet, transparent


Special Abilities

Entangle (Ex)

A sea wasp can entangle a creature up to two sizes smaller than itself with its tentacles with a successful CMB check. An entangled opponent suffers tentacle damage and the effect of its poison each round the hold is maintained. An entangled creature still receives a save to avoid the effects of its poison. While a foe is entangled, the sea wasp cannot attack any other creature.

Poison (Ex)

Sting-injury; the effects of the poison are determined by the creature's size (see table below). The DC of the save is Constitution-based.
SizeFort DCFrequencyEffectCure
Tiny101/round for 1d4 rounds1 Con1 save
Small111/round for 1d4 rounds1d2 Con1 save
Medium111/round for 1d6 rounds1d3 Con1 save
Large131/round for 1d6 rounds1d4 Con2 consecutive saves
Huge151/round for 1d6 rounds1d6 Con2 consecutive saves
Gargantuan201/round for 1d6 rounds1d8 Con3 consecutive saves

Jet (Ex)

A monstrous sea wasp can jet backward once per round as a full-round action at a speed equal to four times its swim speed. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.

Transparent (Ex)

A monstrous sea wasp is nearly invisible floating in the water. An observer must make a successful DC 20 Perception check to notice the sea wasp.

Watersense (Ex)

Monstrous sea wasps can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with water.


Environment: Warm Aquatic
Organization: solitary or ring (2-5)
Treasure: incidental

  Monstrous sea wasps are deadly aquatic creatures with long, writhing and highly poisonous tentacles that extend for several yards. They inhabit warm waters and tend to congregate near coastal regions or river mouths where they wait for prey to wash downstream to them. Monstrous sea wasps are also called box jellyfish or marine stingers.
  Almost invisible in the water, the sea wasp has four eyes, one on each side of the bell, connected to a nerve ring inside the main body. They have no brain, but are able to process visual information. These eyes are invisible to all but the keenest observers. Monstrous sea wasps feed on a variety of marine life including fish, manta rays and stingrays, and crustaceans.
  The larger monstrous sea wasps also feed on sharks, whales, giant fish, giant squids, octopi, and swimmers. Prey that becomes entangled in its mass of tentacles is quickly stung by the sea wasp and then coiled into its mouth and devoured. Monstrous sea wasps are non-aggressive and do not actively hunt for food. They simply float along in the water waiting for a living creature to swim into its mass of tentacles.
  When it detects prey in its tentacles, it folds them around the prey, and stings it. A monstrous sea wasp's poison (particularly the larger ones) is meant to instantly kill its prey so it does not struggle and damage the sea wasp's delicate form. Sages catalogue the sea wasp's sting as being one of the deadliest and most painful one can experience. A creature stung by a sea wasp that lives to tell about, never forgets its brush with this monstrosity.
  Copyright Notice Authors Scott Greene.


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