Mutation Warrior

While most fighters rely on physical fitness and rigorous training to achieve martial superiority, a few prefer to create and imbibe dangerous concoctions that mutate them into fearsome creatures.

Mutagen (Su)

At 3rd level, a mutation warrior discovers how to create a mutagen that they can imbibe in order to heighten their physical prowess at the cost of their personality. This ability functions as the alchemist’s mutagen ability, using their fighter level as their alchemist level.
  This ability replaces armor training 1.

Mutagen Discovery (Su)

At 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the mutation warrior can choose one of the following alchemist discoveries to augment their abilities: feral mutagen, grand mutagen, greater mutagen, infuse mutagen, nauseating flesh, preserve organs, rag doll mutagen, spontaneous healing, tentacle, vestigial arm, wings. The mutagen warrior uses their fighter level as their effective alchemist level for the purpose of these discoveries.
  This ability replaces armor training 2, 3, 4, and armor mastery.

Parent Class



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