
Magocratic human empire, second in power only to ancient Imaskar, in present day Bloodstone Peninsula. Invaded by the Phaerim, magic feeding creatures from the underdark below their empire. Decades of war left the land barren and nearly uninhabitable, save for the floating cities of the Netherese. In a bid to rid themselves of the creatures, Karsus attempted to harness the power of Mystryl himself, devising the ritual known as Karsus’ folly. His action nearly destroyed the weave, and caused magic to cease functioning across the realm for several hours, causing the remaining Netherese cities to come crashing down, ending the empire in one fell swoop. The Phaerim disappeared soon after, and the Bloodstone Peninsula gained its moniker and current status as a near wasteland. Many refugees from Netheril banded together and migrated north, eventually founding the kingdom of Magna Pativa. Those that remained had no choice but to turn to unsavory acts to survive, and the region became a hotbed for piracy, raiding, and slavery. The land is filled with wild and dead magic regions, making the practice of arcane magic dangerous. Religious followings are rare and often persecuted as well, with the gods receiving blame from the local populace for abandoning the land and letting it fall to the ruinous state it is presently in.


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