Neutralize Poison, Greater

Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Alchemist* 6, Bard * 6, Cleric */Oracle * 6, Druid * 5, Hunter * 5, Inquisitor * 6, Warlock * 6
Components: V, S, M/DF (a lump of charcoal)
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: touch
Target: creature or object of up to 1 cu. ft./level touched
Duration: instantaneous or 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: yes (harmless, object)
  This spell functions as neutralize poison, except as noted here. You automatically succeed at all Caster Level checks to neutralize any poisons affecting the target creature. The spell also reverses all instantaneous or permanent effects caused by poisons, such as temporary Ability Damage or permanent Ability Drain (it does not heal Ability Drain caused by anything other than poison, however). If you use the spell to neutralize the poison in a poisonous creature or Object, the duration is 1 hour per level rather than 10 minutes per level. If the spell is cast on a creature, the creature can negate the effect by succeeding at a Will saving throw.