Noxious Pig

Alchemical Weapon
Price: 150 gp
Construction: Craft (alchemy) DC 35


Giant alchemists make these items by manipulating the controlled decomposition of a Dead hog. This greater splash weapon deals no damage, but those within its primary area of effect—the target and those within 5 feet of the target or those within 5 feet of the intersection—must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude Save or be Nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
  Greater Splash Weapon:
  This Splash Weapon works in some ways like a normal Splash Weapon, but its effects cover a larger area. Like a normal Splash Weapon, a greater splash weapon requires no weapon proficiency, and you throw it by making a ranged Touch Attack. A hit deals direct hit damage to the target and to creatures and objects in squares within 5 feet of that target. It then deals splash damage to all creatures within 10 feet of the target. If the target takes up more than a 5-foot square, you can chose one of its squares as the center of the effect. The direct damage affects the squares normally, so a Large or larger creature could take both the direct damage and the splash damage depending on the square you choose. The splash damage for a greater splash weapon is 5 points of the appropriate damage type for the weapon.
  Like a normal Splash Weapon, you can also choose to target a specific grid intersection (treating it as a Ranged Attack against AC 5). If it hits, the greater splash weapon deals direct damage to creatures and objects in squares within 5 feet of the targeted intersection, and splash damage to creatures within 10 feet of the targeted intersection. As with a normal Splash Weapon, you cannot target a grid intersection occupied by a creature.
  Greater splash weapons can be thrown as if they were a rock using the rock throwing universal monster rule, and caught with rock catching, though the DC to catch a greater splash weapon is 10 higher than normal due to its fragile and volatile nature. If a creature fails its Reflex saving throw to catch a greater splash weapon, the weapon automatically breaks, treating the creature attempting to catch it as the Splash Weapon’s target.
  A greater splash weapon can be used only by Large or larger creatures, though it can be used as ammunition in a catapult or trebuchet. When used as ammunition in one of these siege engines, use the range for the engine rather than the greater splash weapon’s range.

Weapon Properties

Type: ranged
Range: 40 ft.
Special: greater splash, see text


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