Obox-Ob's Ire

Alchemical Weapon
Price: 75 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
Construction: Craft (alchemy) DC 30


Named after the demon lord of vermin, this sack of luminous paste is made from crushed jungle flowers. You can throw Obox-ob's ire as a ranged Touch Attack with a range increment of 10 feet; on a hit, the target is coated with the paste. A target coated with the paste draws the attention of any swarm within 30 feet, causing it to seek out and attack the target over any other creature. In addition, an affected creature takes a –2 penalty on Saving Throws against swarms’ distraction ability. Obox-ob's ire lasts for 1 hour or until washed away with at least a gallon of alcohol.

Weapon Properties

Type: ranged
Range: 10 ft.
Special: see text


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