Ossumental, Fire

This towering collection of sun-bleached bones is assembled in a humanoid form.

Ossumental, Fire (CR 12)

Large Undead (Fire)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Initiative: +3
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, firesight; Perception +26
  Speed: 30 feet
Space: 10 feet


Armor Class: 27, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (+3 Dex, +15 natural, -1 size)
Hit Points: 161 (17d8+85)
Saving Throws: Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +12
Damage Reduction: 10/magic
Immunity: fire, undead traits
Weaknesses: vulnerability to cold


Melee: 4 slams +21 (1d8+10/19-20)
Reach: 10 feet
  Special Attacks: Breath Weapon (40-ft. cone, 6d6 bludgeoning and fire, Reflex DC 18 half, usable every 1d4 rounds), discorporate


30 (+10) 17 (+3) - 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 21 (+5)
Base Attack Bonus: +12
CMB +23 (+27 Bull Rush, +25 Overrun)
CMD 36 (38 vs. Bull Rush, 38 vs. Overrun)
  Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Powerful Maneuvers, Improved Critical (slams), Vital Strike
  Skills: Climb +14, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (planes) +16, Perception +26, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +10
  Languages: Ancient Osiriani, Ignan

Special Abilities

Firesight (Ex)

An ossumental can see through fire and smoke as if they were transparent, ignoring any cover or concealment bonuses from fire and smoke, up to its normal range of vision.


Environment: Warm Deserts
Organization: solitary or gang (2-8)
Treasure: none

  Ossumentals are found exclusively in the enigmatic location called the Slave Trenches of Hakotep. It is here where the strong elemental forces and the massive loss of mortal life used to excavate the earthworks combined to create these terrifying creatures. Hakotep I drove thousands of slaves to dig the elaborate system of earthworks and deep trenches, and though no one's certain of the site's purpose, some speculate that it is an arcane device constructed to defend against any perceived Shory invasion using their flying cities. Obelisks bound with elemental spirits were erected throughout the system, and as time crept along, some of these spirits escaped their prisons and fused with the remains of the slaves who once toiled in the trenches.
  Now, ossumentals act as unintended guardians and caretakers of the site. Those exploring this region have reported that some of the ossumentals maintain the Slave Trenches of Hakotep by keeping the deep trenches clear of the ever-encroaching desert sands, though they are only successful for a matter of time before the winds drive the sand again. The creatures aren't always active; at rest, their bones lie scattered under the oppressive Osirian sun, waiting for living creatures to wander by before clattering together to attack.
  An ossumental is a tricky combatant, attacking with its four arms in melee combat and then using its breath weapon to attack multiple targets that are out of reach. It makes use of its discorporate ability to quickly shift position on the battlefield and get behind its attackers. Fully formed, an ossumental stands approximately 16 feet tall and weighs around 300 pounds.


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