Phantom Thief

Also known as phantom thieves, they do not know the desperation of a hard life like many rogues. Instead, they come from the ranks of the elite, having grown bored with their finery, and seek thrills from acts of daring, skill, and crime. Phantom thieves do not need the money, so they often perform acts such as breaking into a secure vault for the thrill, leaving a calling card rather than robbing the place.

Refined Education (Ex)

A phantom thief adds Handle Animal, Heal, Ride, Spellcraft, Survival, and all Knowledge skills to their list of class skills. Furthermore, they select one of their rogue class skills and adds half their rogue level on all skill checks using that skill. At 3rd level and every 2 rogue levels thereafter, they select an additional rogue class skill and adds half their rogue level on all skill checks using that skill as well. Starting at 4th level, if the phantom thief is an unchained rogue, they gain rogue’s edge skill unlocks with each of these skills rather than selecting one skill every 5 levels, and they add half their rogue level to their number of ranks to determine when they receive a skill unlock (so a 7th level rogue (phantom thief ) with 7 ranks in a chosen skill would count as having 10 ranks and receive the second skill unlock).
  This ability alters the rogue’s class skills and replaces sneak attack and trapfinding. For an unchained rogue, it also alters rogue’s edge and replaces debilitating injury.

Broad Education (Ex)

A phantom thief’s broad studies with expensive tutors keep them up to speed in both martial and magical knowledge, as well as in their skills.
  They can select the combat trick, minor magic, and major magic rogue talents as many times as they like, and they can select the Skill Focus feat as a rogue talent, also as many times as they like. Finally, they can select a vigilante social talent instead of a rogue talent, except for social grace and vigilante social talents that would require them to be a craftsman or professional. For the purpose of vigilante social talents, a phantom thief does not have a vigilante identity and is always considered to be in their social identity.
  This ability alters rogue talent.

Social Sense (Ex)

At 3rd level, a phantom thief’s social sixth sense allows them to avoid danger in social situations and to act first when it breaks out. They receive a +1 bonus on Sense Motive checks to avoid being surprised by a foe, on Bluff checks to surprise a foe, and on initiative checks for surprise rounds that involved Bluff and Sense Motive checks to determine surprise. This bonus increases by 1 at 3rd level and every 3 rogue levels thereafter.
  This ability replaces trap sense.

Master of All (Ex)

At 20th level, a phantom thief can reroll any skill check as long as it is a class skill in which they are trained. They must take the second result, even if it is worse.
  They can use this ability no more than once per minute.
  This ability replaces master strike.
  Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents complement the phantom thief archetype: combat trick, major magic, minor magic (as well as certainty for an unchained rogue).
  Advanced Talents: The following advanced rogue talents complement the phantom thief archetype: feat, hidden mind, rumormonger, and skill mastery (as well as cutting edge for an unchained rogue).

Parent Class



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