
Rage Mutagen
  At 2nd level, whenever a ragechemist creates a mutagen that improves their Strength, that mutagen’s bonus to Strength increases by +2 and penalizes the alchemist’s Intelligence score.
  Furthermore, while under the effects of this mutagen, whenever the alchemist takes damage, their rage grows, with detrimental effects. At the end of each turn that they take hit point damage, the ragechemist must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 15, or DC 20 if any of the damage came from a critical hit that turn) or take a –2 penalty on Will saving throws and to Intelligence. These penalties end 1 hour after the mutagen ends and stack with themselves. If the penalty lowers the ragechemist’s Intelligence score to 0, the ragechemist is comatose until 1 hour after the mutagen expires.
  This ability replaces poison use.

Editor’s Note

Is the Strength bonus for the rage mutagen ability of the ragechemist archetype in addition to the normal bonus for a Strength mutagen?
  No, the +6 replaces the normal +4 Strength bonus of the alchemist’s Strength mutagen. This will be updated in a future printing of Ultimate Combat as follows:
  In the Ragechemist archetype, in the Rage Mutagen class feature, change the first sentence to read as follows:
  “At 2nd level, whenever a ragechemist creates a mutagen that improves their Strength, that mutagen’s bonus to Strength increases by +2 and penalizes the alchemist’s Intelligence score.”

Sturdy Rage

At 6th level, whenever a ragechemist uses their rage mutagen, they also gain a +4 bonus to natural armor, but the penalty on Will saving throws and to Intelligence for taking damage increases to –4.
  This ability replaces swift poisoning.

Lumbering Rage

At 10th level, whenever a ragechemist uses their rage mutagen ability, they may have the mutagen also give them a +2 Morale Bonus to Constitution, but when they take a penalty on Will saving throws and to Intelligence, they also take a –1 penalty to Dexterity.
  This ability replaces poison immunity.
  Discoveries: The following discoveries complement the ragechemist: feral mutagen, grand mutagen, greater mutagen, infuse mutagen, tentacle, and vestigial arm.

Parent Class



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