Ranged Units

Ranged units are the mainstay damage dealing units of many armies. They can attack enemies from a distance, allowing them to do so from the safety of walls, towers, or cliff-tops, but typically do so at the expense of their ability to hold their own in a melee engagement.  

Special Features

All ranged units have a range increment for their attacks. A -2 penalty to attack is applied for each range increment beyond the first to the target. A ranged unit can fire on targets a maximum of 5 range increments distant, taking a -8 penalty to attack for doing so.   Some ranged attacks have a range increment of 0. A ranged unit must be adjacent to an enemy to use this attack, but does not need to engage in melee to do so.   Ranged units struggle to attack when engaged in melee, suffering a -10 penalty to attack and a -5 penalty to morale when engaged in melee with another unit.  

Ranged Units


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