Relic Master

The relic master is skilled in magic item mastery.

Class Skills

The relic master receives Knowledge (arcana) and Use Magic Device as class skills, but doesn’t receive Handle Animal or Ride as class skills.
  This ability alters the fighter’s class skills.

Improved Item Mastery (Su)

At 3rd level, once per day, a relic master can use an item mastery feat they know with a magic item that doesn’t have an appropriate spell in its construction requirements. The magic item must meet all other requirements of the item mastery feat. Alternatively, if they are using a magic item with an appropriate spell in its construction requirements, they can use an item mastery feat without it counting against the feat’s total uses per day. They can use this ability one additional time per day at 7th, 11th, and 15th levels.
  This ability replaces armor training.

Relic Channeler (Su)

At 5th level, a relic master can increase the potency of a magic item they wield by investing it with a bit of their vitality as a Swift Action. If the item is armor, a shield, or a weapon, its Enhancement Bonus increases by 1 to a maximum of +5. If the magic item creates a spell or has a save DC, its effective caster level increases by 1. A relic master can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to 1 + their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 minute). This duration doesn’t need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.
  This ability replaces weapon training.

Improvised Item Mastery (Su)

At 19th level as a Full-Round Action, the relic master can select one item mastery feat whose prerequisites they meet but that they don’t already have. They gain access to this feat, though they can’t use it as a prerequisite for other feats or options. If they select a different item mastery feat, they lose access to their previous use of improvised item mastery and any magic effect created with it ends immediately. Any daily uses of a selected improvised item mastery feat count against all improvised mastery feats selected in the same day.
  This ability replaces armor mastery.

Parent Class



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