Religious Pilgrim

You are a religious pilgrim who often journeys great distances to holy sites of your faith. You take solace in fulfilling your religious purpose and vows, and those you meet respect your dedication and faithfulness.


Knowledge (geography) 2 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks.


You gain a +1 bonus to Will saves, Diplomacy checks, and Survival checks. If you are good, this is a Sacred Bonus; if you are evil, it's profane. Neutral characters must choose when taking this feat whether the bonus is sacred or profane (if you channel positive or negative energy you must choose the same type as your channeling type). These bonuses increase to +2 if you are on ground that is consecrated to your faith (under the effects of consecrate, desecrate, hallow, or unhallow cast by someone of your religion). You may purchase non-magical religious items (including holy water) at a 20% discount.

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