Requiem Beetle

This massive beetle has a dark red carapace, blackish-red wing covers, and black legs. Two large claw-like pincers protrude from its front slashing and ripping the very air around the creature. Its oversized mandibles are dark reddish-black.

Requiem Beetle (CR 18)

Gargantuan Vermin
Alignment: Neutral
Initiative: +1
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Tremorsense 100 feet; Perception +8
  Speed: 50 feet
Space: 20 feet


Armor Class: 31, touch 7, flat-footed 30 (+1 Dex, +24 natural, -4 size)
Hit Points: 345 (30d8+210)
Saving Throws: Fort +24, Ref +11, Will +10
Damage Reduction: 10/-
Immunity: acid, mind-affecting effects


Melee: 2 claws +29 (2d8+11 plus Grab), bite +29 (2d10+11)
Reach: 15 feet
  Special Attacks: Constrict (4d6+11), earth-shaking, Trample (2d8+16, DC 36)


33 (+11) 12 (+1) 24 (+7) - 11 (+0) 2 (-4)
Base Attack Bonus: +22
CMB +37 (+41 Grapple)
CMD 48
  Feats: Cleave
  Skills: Acrobatics +1 (+9 jump) Perception +8 Languages:

Special Abilities

Earth-Shaking (Ex)

: Whenever a requiem beetle moves more than 10 feet in a round, all creatures within 10 feet of the requiem beetle must succeed on a DC 34 Reflex save or fall prone. The save DC is Strength-based.


Environment: Warm Mountains or Underground
Organization: solitary
Treasure: none

  Requiem beetles are beetles of enormous size reaching lengths of 100 feet or more. They make their lairs in remote mountainous regions or deep underground in massive caverns. A typical lair contains a solitary creature (no two have ever been encountered together). Mating and reproduction rituals and methods among requiem beetles are unknown to sages, though it is generally accepted that requiem beetles follow other similar beetle and vermin mating patterns. These monsters sustain themselves on a diet of mosses, funguses, lichens, molds, and oozes. Their natural immunity to acid allows them to kill and digest most oozes without bother.
  Requiem beetles are mindless hunters, like other vermin, and simply kill and eat whatever they come across. When they deplete an area of its food source they simply move to another location. Requiem beetles measure about 40 feet long and weigh about 18 tons. A requiem beetle charges into combat attempting to trample as many of its opponents as it can. It uses its massive pincers in battle to cut and tear its opponents or grab and squeeze them. Once a requiem beetle grabs a foe it rarely lets go until either it or the opponent is dead. If forced to flee, a requiem beetle does not release its prey, but instead, carries it off with it.
  Copyright Notice Author Scott Greene.


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